Pacific Northwest Survival
The Plan
Fly into Vancouver International and meet Wild staff and the rest of the group. From here we will take a van to Port Hardy, Vancouver where we will then transfer to a water taxi and head off to Malei Island Resort where we will spend the evening having a drink and relaxing in the salt-water hot tub as we hope to see whales pass by along the shoreline, have dinner and get ready for our excursion.
The next day we transfer in a boat to a private beach on Negei Island where we will set camp for the training part of the course. The first 5 days will be spent comfortably sleeping in Hennessey Hammocks, eating well, training in survival and bushcraft while getting ready for the survival test phase of the class. On day 6 you and your team will head off into the forest with only the bare essentials. During this phase you will hunt and gather and fish for your own food, build a group shelter, make fires and hone the skills you have learned.
This location is loaded with wild food and should prove to be a survivalist's dream.